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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    End Point Celebrates 10 Years of Service!

    By Brian Dunn
    August 10, 2005

    On August 5th, End Point Corporation celebrated the tenth anniversary of the company’s inception.

    End Point was established in 1995 by Rick Peltzman and Ben Goldstein with the aim of providing effective, innovative solutions and services to the nascent internet industry. The company took on increasingly challenging projects for its growing list of clients, from brochureware to user interface construction to database design to full implementations of complex ecommerce applications.

    Today, End Point employs more Interchange developers than any other services firm. Our company’s skills in database design and data management have helped clients achieve staggering growth and helped facilitate the generation of millions of dollars of new revenue. Our team of consultants has skills in such wide-ranging matters as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Perl, C/C++, PHP, Java, network programming, systems architecture, security and encryption, and many other facets of Internet development.

    Plus, over the last year, we’ve expanded our service set to include content management system design, keyword marketing, search engine optimization, and systems integration, consolidation, and migration services.

    End Point continues to grow. To accommodate this growth, the company is soon moving to roomier digs in the heart of Manhattan where we will build off our founding ideals of client service and innovation.

    Since End Point opened for business ten years ago, the web has boomed, busted, and re-boomed. During this time, End Point has found ways to thrive and help our clients achieve their objectives. We’re grateful to have had the opportunity to help so many of our clients grow their businesses. End Point remains always ready to serve our clients' evolving needs.

